Law Firms Data Mining
Law Firms Data Mining
Ask the right questions!
Our specially tailored data mining services for law firms help you get the right information that lets you ask the most relevant questions. Initiating the right conversation is all you need to lead successfully. Need a phone number or address for your research? Want to analyze the latest market trends? Requiring verification of data at hand and supplementing the existing data with additional data? We help you find every information you need in your research with our specially tailored Data Mining Services for Law Firms.
Law firms bring about and store unintelligible amounts of data. Most, if not all, of that data, has been digitized and many firms that identify the untapped value of their data have begun to leverage sophisticated technologies to mine it for reusable work products and valuable insights. While most large law firms are currently mining data by themselves, not all of them are doing it well. Data mining is relatively a new practice in the legal space and the data profiles of law firms are highly variable from one organization to another, so recognizing the right tools and prioritizing initiatives can be challenging.
Key services that are specifically tailored for law firms:
Data Mining and Legal Research Services:
Your legal documents contain unlimited information and to aid you to get your hands on critical data, we extract all the pertinent and required information from the records.
Scanning and Indexing Services:
We have ultra-modern scanners to help you scan thousands of documents with utmost ease and accuracy, thus making it easy for you to locate, access, and retrieve information, as and when required.
Data Entry Services:
Our experts dexterously digitize and enter valuable data from handwritten, printed, scanned, and digital legal documents, including property-related records, case details, court forms, divorce forms, insurance claim records, etc. with utmost accuracy.
Data Management Services:
We offer a comprehensive suite of data management services, including data cleansing and enrichment, data deduplication, data standardization, and others. We make sure that your data is reliable and error-free.
How Does the Law Industry Collect Data?
There were times when the courtroom hearings data and the legal documents and paperwork were not connected to any internet. Times now have changed and we notice that everything is happening online and can be recalled anytime with just a few clicks.
Even though it is not that huge files and records do not classify themselves into the category of data, technology has made referring to and collecting the data way more convenient and this data continues to grow enormously with the passage of time and activities.
The law firms can collect data from the court record rooms, previous contracts paperwork, legal history of any happening, and a lot of other things which are primary documents.
The Law firms produce the most amount of data in a year and use it for decision-making primarily and not just such data then can be used for various purposes by the law firms in the industry to serve their customers in the best way possible with maximum output.
What type of data is available?
There are three general categories of data available for law firms to collect and analyze:
Individual data:
This is the information you can collect from sources like Google Analytics, your landing pages, email campaigns, and cookies. It is this data that provides you with an understanding of website performance, and search engine rankings.
Internal data:
This information utilizes billing, time tracking, and client lifecycle research to identify patterns with existing clients and provide insights to secure future clients.
Industry data:
This is the information accumulated by third parties to identify industry trends and patterns. Law firms may use this data to identify possible new clients and position themselves for greater success against competing firms.
Our Services
Data security
Law professionals around the world are worried about the security of their data from hackers; confidential, private and sensitive client information can easily be leveraged for ransom. We understand the need and importance of privacy and security of data in the services you offer, and we are committed to preserving the same.
Skip tracing
Has anyone defaulted on agreed terms and deserted you? Are you searching for someone who is willingly lost? Finding these people is a task we are good at. Find the whereabouts of a fugitive person with our Skip-Tracing Services.
Data Deduplication
It often happens that a name or contact appears twice or multiple times in records, such redundancy causes disruptions in data-related operations. It sometimes makes an act (SMS/call) happen multiple times. This redundancy is bad for business; we eliminate duplicate data from your records to avoid confusion and redundancy which happens due to making multiple entries.
Data Merge
To merge data is to bring similar or relevant data together. Client information can be scattered across a database, and bringing this data together might produce new insights. There might be multiple entries of client data made at different times and for different reasons. Using such data can cause redundancy, so we bring this data together with our Data Merging service.
Data Appending
Append missing information such as contact details, family details, age and other information of your clients. Getting complete data about something is an ongoing process and every now and then new information might be required. Every data we append is authenticated across credible sources of information.
Data cleaning
Errors in data result in the loss of essential resources like time and money. In data cleansing, such erroneous data is updated with the correct data. Before data mining, data cleaning should be necessarily done; because inference drawn from inaccurate data can never be accurate and the application of such erroneous information can wreak havoc