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In spite of tremendous advances in social media, marketing emails are on the top as ever for B2B businesses to be in touch with their leads as well as customers. As a whole lot of digital marketing teams have realized the fact that email marketing provides high ROI and conversion rates, a recipient’s inbox has turned into an arena where various companies compete to draw the recipient’s attention. It translates to the fact that your emails must have to be spot-on if you want to survive the competition, let alone win it! Following are the four ways to improve your Email Marketing strategy in 2020


email marketing quote


1.Use specifically personalized emails instead of broadcast emails


personalised emails


Generally, companies send the same email to all the contacts in their list. Sure, the emails are personalized with First Name and names appearing in the subject line but the essence of every personalized message stays the same.


This, in turn, results in lots of subscribers receiving emails which are totally irrelevant to them thus ultimately resulting in lower open rates as well as an increase in unsubscribing rate!! Specifically, personalized emails are a solution to this issue. 


These emails are being sent to specific/particular segments of subscribers within a contact list selected on the basis of past interactions, geographical location, personal interest and position of the buyer in his/her organization. Studies have revealed that specifically-personalized emails produce revenues 18 times higher as compared to emails sent through traditional campaigns and provide 5% higher click-through rate.


2. Choose only those recipients who genuinely care


emails to right recepients


Companies and digital marketing teams must understand the essence of marketing to only those people who really care about the offer!. It’s advisable to refrain from sending emails to non-engaging contacts or, in the least, reducing the frequency of sending them emails to just once or twice a month.


3. Hunt down what’s going wrong and fix it. ASAP!


If your email marketing campaigns are not providing you with the desired results then it’s time to stop and research what is wrong. Apparently, if you are getting lower open rates for your emails, you may try sending emails with a more catchy and attention-grabbing subject line. Also, a higher rate of un-subscription indicates that your emails are not enticing your contacts. This will ultimately land your emails in the contacts’ SPAM folder.


email marketing quotes


Thus it becomes imminent for you to find out as to why contacts are opting for unsubscribing regarding your emails. If you are not able to figure out what’s going wrong with these contacts then the simple solution would be to stop sending emails to them and to concentrate on those contacts which provide you with a high engagement ratio.


If your contacts are marking you as SPAM it is extremely disastrous to your email marketing efforts; it not only encourages email service providers to blacklist you but is also harmful to your firm’s reputation. If your subscribers are repeatedly marking your emails as SPAM you must immediately stop sending emails. Maybe the culprit for it is the unattractive call to action or missing link or your faulty sign-up form; whatever it is you must find the remedy to it without wasting any more of the time.


4. Design your strategy through constant testing


design strategy


The most successful email marketing strategy, which pays back successfully for the efforts and resources you put into it, can only be formulated through a rigorous testing time and again. There is no one set of rules guaranteeing a successful email marketing strategy. There are only guidelines which you need to follow to harness maximum output through it.


You may need to alter the time and day of sending the emails; have to write more catchy and gripping subject lines; may have to redesign your call to action criteria along with providing suitable. You must use to-the-point links in your emails to get an idea of your subscribers’ behaviour. These things would surely engage your contacts with you more often making your email marketing strategy a fruitful one.


Your email marketing is imminent to get a boost in the positive direction if you follow these tips in 2020. But it is dependent, solely, on the quality of email list solution you use to contact your customers/prospects. The data you collected about your customers get old/irrelevant at a fast pace. On average, data is getting obsolete at a constant rate of 4%-5% per month. Thus it proves fatal for your email marketing campaigns if you continue using the same old data.!!


done is perfect than better


You must take remedial actions as soon as possible; it will enhance/add value to your data through cleaning/data appending or de-duplicating/data mining techniques. Outsourcing email data cleaning jobs to professionally skilled experts reduces your efforts as well as allows you to reach your prospects better. It is advisable to get your data clean professionally, that too at regular intervals, to maintain a healthy database.



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