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It is projected that more than 40 million people use LinkedIn and Indeed to look for job opportunities. Around 87% of recruiters rely primarily on LinkedIn to evaluate and communicate with highly-skilled candidates. 


As more and more candidates rely on social media and recruiting websites, recruiting firms and staffing agencies must benefit from job feed data services


Recruiters can leverage job feed data worldwide to analyze the job market, understand candidate qualifications, and optimize hiring.


What’s Jobs feed data?


Jobs feed data is used to gather job posting data online in a programmatic manner. It is just like extracting data from the sites, helping people get jobs data quickly, and building a job database by integrating multiple data sources into one. Jobs feed data are used in the job area, and job data parsing is evaluated and managed after the extraction process is completed.


Why is jobs feed data so valuable?


Do you know that Indeed.com boasts over 200 million new users per month? Job seekers lookout for career opportunities while recruiters don’t have to miss out on the best talent. Indeed, the web is overflowing with job data, giving you unlimited options to monetize it. No wonder LinkedIn and indeed job posting data are among the most widely utilized use cases of web scraping


Also Read: Data scraping for BI: Picking the right service is vital


Here are some popular uses of jobs feed data worldwide:


Competitive Analysis:


Analyzing the competition is an essential element of all businesses. How do you keep track of your rival’s next move when they try to keep it a secret? The career page is the one place where they’ll let their guard down. You can partner with reliable jobs feed data provider to identify the technologies your competitors are hiring in and use them to work out future plans. 


Analyzing Labor Market:


Ed-tech platforms, real estate, market research, consulting firms, and many other use cases require deep insight into the labor market to optimize and analyze their content. By far, jobs feed data worldwide services are the most efficient way to extract data for analyzing labor trends. 


Job Boards:


The normalization of online hiring simply means an increased customer base for job aggregators and job boards than before. Job postings’ freshness, volume, and authenticity are essential measures for success in the aggregation business, and an adequate job posting solution would ensure that. With jobs feed data services, you can easily create your site into a trustworthy one-stop job repository for job seekers in any specialization. 


Lead Generation:


Obtaining the list of companies hiring talent in your industry is another beneficial use case where tapping jobs data will elevate your entire game. Regardless of whether you’re offering Ed-tech courses or services in any niche, jobs feed data helps you find the right companies hiring your talent. Reach the right organizations to make winning pitches.


Also Read: B2B Lead Generation: A Complete Guide


How jobs feed data is used?


As per the 2017 Gallup report, approximately 51% of employees watch for new opportunities online, and around 58% of job seekers search for job options online.


Nowadays, social media hiring has become a primary way to hire quality. To understand all these trends and the latest insight into the job market, you will need jobs feed data from a reliable service provider like Bizprospex. 


Also Read: LinkedIn: The latest Social Media Super-hero to B2B Businesses


Here are some of the ways in which jobs feed data can be used in the real world:


Jobs Feed Data worldwide in Practice


  • Gathering data to analyze job trends and the labor market.
  • Tracking rival’s open positions and compensations to get you ahead of the competition.
  • Find leads by pitching your service to enterprises hiring for the same role.
  • Agencies scour job boards to uphold their databases.
  • Powering job aggregator sites with fresh job data.



Partner with Reputed Jobs Feed Data Service Provider


One of the simplest ways to outsource your job posting data requirement is to reach out to jobs feed data service provider. The jobs feed data worldwide providers have a team of experts who efficiently deliver the latest data. No maintenance costs, learning curves, or obstacles affect you because the data is directly delivered to you. Collaborating with a skilled jobs feed data service provider like Bizprospex helps you focus on utilizing the data instead of just extracting it. They mine approximately 1Million of jobs data posted across the world on monthly basis and can deliver you in .json, .csv, .sql, and .xls file formats. Try your free sample today!


Benefits of partnering with jobs feed data service provider


One of the most efficient ways to bypass web scraping challenges and get the bonuses of scraping job sites entirely is to partner with jobs feed data service provider. A professional jobs feed data worldwide service provider, like Bizprospex, offers several benefits. Here’s what you can expect:


Access The Best Resources:


A dedicated jobs feed data service already has all the resources in place to efficiently source data for you. You can leverage the best jobs feed data infrastructure without worrying about maintaining an IT team and resources in-house.


Uninterrupted Data Delivery:


The primary purpose of a jobs feed data worldwide service is to deliver data to its clients. Regardless of whether you’re looking for a one-time delivery or daily, weekly or monthly data feeds, you can talk with your jobs feed data service provider to make the deliveries accordingly. With the uninterrupted flow of data, you can focus better on bigger goals for the company.


List of Data Fields:


With Professional Indeed and LinkedIn jobs feed data service providers like Bizprospex, you can get the following data from the job board websites like LinkedIn and Indeed:


Job Posting Date

Company Profiles

Job Titles

Job Location

Job Type






How Bizprospex helps you with clean and relevant job feed data?


  • Integrate Seamlessly
    • Easily import readymade and clean job posting datasets into hiring systems such as HRIS, ATS, and other internal applications.
  • Automate complex tasks
    • Our AutoExtract and PromptCloud’s proprietary ML techniques for AI-based jobs data extraction helps parse complex job boards and automate end-to-end data processes and workflows.
  • Assured data quality
    • We unite automation with human expertise to help you get high-quality jobs feed data cleansed and validated to make it business-ready.




With the rapid growth in recruiting after the COVID-19 pandemic, the online job repository is additionally expanding. Many companies are exploring innovative ways to harness the job data and grow their business. While there are so many ways to exploit job data, the fastest and most profitable way to extract it is to seek a jobs feed data service. 


Contact Bizprospex to learn about the exciting ways to give a boost to your business.


Don’t forget to get your free live trial of LinkedIn and Indeed jobs data feed



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