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When it comes to b2b marketing, content marketing for b2b enterprises plays a vital role to propel the business by leaps and bounds. The value of content grew over the past few years, as people are no more foolish. They are clever enough to look into the intricacies and detailing of a product before making a purchase. The various kinds of types of b2b content ensure that the customer gets all the adequate information necessary so that he is in relief and can buy your goods and services without an iota of doubt.


We can understand the relevance of the best b2b marketing campaigns 2022 through the various b2b viral marketing examples. Let us go through the top 11 examples of b2b marketing campaigns to understand the intricacies of the marketing work;


Lead Pages


Lead pages are responsible for designing landing page templates and designing services.


  • An expert marketing blog that lays its focus on lead generation and A/B marketing with a strategic approach to content generation and class promotions on social media as well as restricting leak of leads.
  • Increasing their content to include free educational resources courses, eBooks, infographics, and case studies.
  • ConversionCast” helmed by world-class podcaster Tim Paige, turns out to be one of the most popular podcasts. 
  • Launching weekly webinars to ensure continuous building On educational marketing.

The founder and CEO of lead pages, Clay Collins, said that their company acquired over 35,000 customers in just three years and earned over $16 million in 2015. 


WP Engine


It is a hosting platform for WordPress users.


  • Product focused on new features and company news.
  • It helps people increase their online presence in marketing companies and agencies, especially WordPress users 
  • Assisting people to drive their growth.
  • Creating a community to provide resources to WordPress users.
  • Providing written and video content to solve customer problems.

They were able to take over 300,000 sites in 128 countries and earn over $40 million.- 


STR Software


STR software deals in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) industry, which targets larger organizations.


They focus on educational content;

  • Creation of Bipublisher university-
  • Creation of content via online forms and get data from leads.
  • Using the information to target and nurture leads through email automation.
  • Promotion of university.
  • Email marketing.

Their conversion rate increased by 10% on forms, 54% increase in web traffic, 67% more page views, and longer time spent on their site.


Simply Business


They are the Largest insurance broker in the UK.


They focus on creating content relevant for business owners. 

  • Email productivity.
  • Google ads
  • WordPress
  • Business blogging
  • Social media.

Their strategy was successful and led to an increase in rankings for major keywords and organic traffic. 


Single Grain


It is a digital marketing agency that puts its attention on tech start-ups.


It wanted to attract companies like uber and amazon with content that transforms visitors into subscribers. Their content marketing includes;

  • A blog that focuses on effective online marketing.
  • Marketing thought podcast where their CEO Eric Siu and thought leader Neil Patel come together.
  • Extended online research centre consisting of guides, courses, webinars, and infographics.

Their podcasts gained immense recognition, and their website got a huge traffic base. Their articles generated numerous shares and their goal of originality fulfilled.




It is a marketing company that invented the term” inbound marketing”. 


Two types of content are created to address the distinctive stages of the funnel;

  • Their blog teaches small businesses about inbound marketing to attract customers to the top of the funnel.
  • An extensive resource section: eBooks, case studies, webinars, a quiz, and a marketing kit is targeting the visitors.

Their content marketing acts as major catalysts to drive traffic, making them a public company in just 10 years.




This firm helps other companies to hire writers for developing their content.


Their content marketing strategy has its attention on every aspect of a customer’s buying;

  • Blogs and podcasts are reflecting the common problems at the top of the funnel.
  • White papers and webinars to provide solutions and promote email marketing.
  • Case studies that prove their effectiveness that will push people towards subscribing.

Their approach emerged as a success, with blog posts driving 46% of their visitors.




It is the world’s largest vendor of CRM.


Salesforce had to initiate an increase in their search and rapid traffic resources via a few strategies;

  • Videos that entertain people about marketing and sales.
  • First stop-motion slide share in the world. 
  • Customer success prezi.

Their success saw an increase in 80% of their website traffic. It also saw a rise of 2500% in its traffic generated from social pages. Moreover, Their eBook downloads reached 10,000, and their newsletter gained 6,500 sign-ups. 




It is one of the largest enterprise vendors with dozens of industries around the world.


SAP focused on segmenting that include;

  • Customary content marketing for 19 customer segments
  • Stitched messaging that covered topics relevant to each industry
  • Content-based solutions for each segment by highlighting the benefits of their product based on specific industries.
  • Using the right content for each target, that includes email, Tweets, blog posts, LinkedIn status updates, their SAP Community Network, virtual and live events, outbound and responder follow-up calls, and account-based marketing


SAP found their Marketing Generated Ops to reach $3,675,000, and pipeline growth equal to $50,037,709.




It is a cyber-security company that helps other companies fight any cyber attack.


Their content helps customers that transform traffic into leads using;

  • A blog to answer all the questions concerning the security of information and compliance.
  • Resources that give in-depth information like webinars, white papers, reports, case studies, solution briefs, datasheets, and videos

They were able to make one out of two qualified leads and opportunities and doubled the conversion rate.




A premium data service provider, they have gathered an innate understanding of B2B marketing and outreach.  


  • Helping B2B companies optimize sales, clean data, and provide A-grade data services.
  • Find areas for growth by taking a strategic approach to gathering, mining, and analyzing data.
  • Highly personalized, manual, and multi-layer verification processes that make data, sustainable, measurable, and effective.

Proudly associated with over 450 companies in the last eight years, serving a largely international clientele, BizProspex is a global leader in the CRM systems and data services industry.


Above are eleven prominent examples of b2b marketing campaigns featured as the best b2b marketing campaigns in 2022. You can refer to a website like http://bizprospex.com/ where you can get more examples like this and use their assistance to make your B2B game better.




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